Mediaocean + Flashtalking - positioning and packaging CTV / video and verification

I was recruited by the CEO of Flashtalking to manage product and go-to-market strategy for video and verification. Flashtalking had all the capabilities of a buy-side CTV/video ad server but video and CTV were unmentioned on their website. They had also recently acquired a verification company and saw an interesting opportunity to add verification to the ad server.

Working as a independent contributor and through coordination with cross-functional teams, I generated virtually all the content to support both these major product initiatives, including competitive analysis, website updates, press releases, sales training videos and decks, sales decks, feature and product demos, and external-facing whitepapers and bylines.

After the acquisition by Mediaocean, I continued to play a leading role in the overall positioning of the now larger combined TV and video offering.


Mediaocean's Omnichannel Video Creative Playbook was intended to be a helpful reference of video features and formats across all video, including social platforms and CTV.

The underlying takeaway (and a core part of the positioning) is that Mediaocean was uniquely qualified to execute omnichannel video campaigns, thanks to ownership of TV, CTV, social video and online video campaign execution platforms.

Flashtalking's The Big Picture whitepaper outlines the features and requirements of a buy-side video ad server, and provides a framework for potential clients to use to evaluate any video ad serving provider.

This framework was generated based on competitive and ecosystem analysis, and also provided the organizational structure for sales conversations and support materials that address the numerous components of a modern ad server.

Large documents like the whitepapers above were used to inform the creation of dozens of other pieces of sales and marketing content, including a Cannes-promoted Mediaocean webpage, press releases (FT sample, MO sample), bylines (sample), sales collateral (sample), sales decks, recorded video training for sales, webinars, public speaking agendas, and other items.